I follow a blog belonging to artist Jenny sue Kostecki-Shaw, a most lovely friend of Kelly Buntin Johnson, another artist friend from the cyber world. In the spirit of keeping my hands moving in order to get the creative spirit to flow, I baked up my own version of these delicous and savory chai dipping biscuits Jenny Sue posted on one of her blogs called chai pilgrimage. (you can click on the hyper link and get your own version of her lovely recipe card to print out!)
I substituted 6 grain flour for one of the cups called for, and 1/4 cup walnut oil for the 1/2 cup of ghee, baking mine an extra 10 minutes so they would be really hard for a good tea dip!.....absolutely yummy and aromatic and perfect with a fresh brewed steaming cup of lemon ginger yerba mate! I got so excited by making these, I plan to whip up a chocolate chai version later today....see, the creative juices are starting to flow!