It's no secret how I feel about our Mother Earth....every time I plant a seed, nurture, and watch it grow, with the end result being a vegetable, the beauty and power of being so connected never escapes me. Again and again,I consider the importance of how I live my life and how I create my art to be paramount in treading on her, our Earth Mother, as softly as possible ( and believe me, there is still room for improvement but I keep taking steps closer to my personal targets on this one).... in reading online an article by our own Bill McKibben, scholar in residence at Middlebury College and an article in the NY Times there is still much work to be done, forty years after the first Earth Day celebrated in 1970
But regardless, this planet, this soil, this water gives us life. IS life. If you can, find some small way to celebrate, be it planting a tree, picking up roadside trash ( we have something here in Vermont called 'Green Up Day''s a BIG deal...contributing to an environmental group that speaks your language, or even making some small commitment to abandoning practices in your home that create unnecessary waste, if only to lighten your own footprint, if you already haven't...(I promise you, you will feel really good about that one).Every little bit helps.
At very least, be you city mouse, or country mouse, take a moment outside today, breathe deep, smell the approach of Spring...breathe in life, exhale gratitude....
namaste, Mom, and thanks for the potato love!
Happy Earth Day to all of you!
ps pleeze pardon my little dirty hands...was printing w/ children yesterday and it takes a while to wear off!:)