So , you may ask, what have I been up to?...I know I have been scarce these last few weeks....things just seem to go from zero to sixty for me sometimes, and when my head is spinning, I can barely sort out a blog post from all the noise...the deluge ( read: rain!) has finally subsided (well, sort of) and we have been kickin' ass to get the garden in, as we are running around 5 weeks behind our ususal planting time, and the season here is short enough as it is...amazing the urgency TIME takes on when you grow a large amount of your own food...not enough time to mature=less veggies!....
On this years 'menu' is" kale ( 3 kinds), celeriac root, zucchini, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers ( for eating and pickles!), bok choy cabbage, peppers ( 7 varieties and of course HOT ones!) , tomatillos, ground cherries (yum!), eggplant ( asian and zebra), sugar snap peas, a bunch of herbs and Mexican sunflowers!
I am sure there are a few other things I am forgetting!
We cultivate a 'mandala style' the round...when properly laid out, you can get a lot more in the way of plants in there...I like it because as I am working in it it feels a little meditation labyrinth-esque...
The reward for this morning's mulching adventure, a 'Tim's Lavender Love' smoothie from Healthy Living Market...I can just FEEL the antioxidants zipping around inside me! whew!..
And of course, just as we were cleaning up the tools, it started to rain...sigh...
What have you been up to?